One Usage Protocols
A typical ONE session is recommended to last for 1.5 hours, except for the initial consultation on the first appointment when you might want to allocate an additional half-hour for a fuller discussion/interview with the client if necessary.
On a typical session we would recommend the following:
Program 1: Initial Balance for 15 minutes
Program 2: Run the program for the main issue being addressed. This should be run for 60 minutes.
Program 3: Final Balance for 15 minutes.
Preparing the client
When the client is being prepared for a session you should ask whether they would like a glass of water, or some kind of beverage. It is beneficial for the client to be relatively hydrated during the session.
And, of course, do your best to minimize the number of toilet trips will be necessary during the session. Actually, the program can be paused for up to half an hour if necessary but it is better to have an uninterrupted experience.
The client should be able to relax on either a therapist couch, or an easy chair where they can be comfortable. Make sure their clothing is comfortable and that they are warm enough – but be advised not to overdo any coverage by blankets because they could get warmer as the session goes on. Make sure they know to tell you if they are not comfortable for any reason.
Connecting the client to the ONE System
Ensure the ONE system is connected to the power adaptor. You can determine this by checking that there is a red light above the ON text on the top of the unit.
Ensure that there is a USB cable connected between the ONE system and your computer.
If you are also an e-Lybra user and you have a separate ONE box then please ensure that the e-Lybra software isn’t running and that your e-Lybra unit is NOT connected to your PC via the USB cable. Failure to ensure this could cause connection problems at this time. However, if you are using the ONE software with your e-Lybra unit then of course this should still be plugged in.
As a good hygienic practice you should cleanse the blue wrist straps from the last session, either with a clean damp cloth or an alcohol wipe.
Connect a blue wrist strap to the left wrist of the client, ensure a curly black cable is connected to the wrist strap, and connect the cable to the LEFT (coloured black) port on the top of the ONE unit.
Similarly, connect the second wrist strap to the right wrist of the client and connect that to the RIGHT (coloured red) port on the top of the ONE unit.
Ensure that the stretch of the leads isn’t too tight, i.e. so that if the client moves his/her arm then it won’t pull the unit off the desk. Alternatively, the metallic connectors can pop undone if there is too much strain.
There are separate resources on this website which explain how to configure the software to run a sequence of programs, but the format in which they should be run is explained below.

1. Initial Balance program
We would recommend that the first time you treat a client with a ONE system that you do not leave them unattended. This is just a safety protocol to care for your client, as the energies can be quite strong for them to experience for the first time. The purpose of the initial balance program is two-fold. Firstly, it acclimatises the client's energy system for this kind of experience. Receiving the kind of stream of energetic information that the one system provides is not something that the body is familiar with, and so it can take a few minutes for it to harmonise with (and respond to) the experience.
The second purpose is that the instructions coming from the ONE system are concerned with an initial balancing of the overall energetic aspects of the clients body. If you have read the page on the website of the concepts of how the one system works you will see that we have tried to convey a concept of many different energy bodies and energy pathways which all tried to interact in a state of harmony and balance. It is a consequence of life in general, but exceptionally more so when the client is addicted, traumatised, or simply just unwell then this puts a lot of stress on the overall system and this can seriously upset the overall harmony within the body as a whole. If this is left unchecked then over time the physical body will find it harder to operate efficiently and their “Wellness” will degrade, both at the physical level and possibly in terms of mental health too. When the main program is being run (for the addiction, or for trauma etc) it will be more effective in some degree of correlation to the balance of the energy system.
The duration of the initial balance run is recommended to be 15 minutes, and it is further recommended that you do not reduce this time. However, and you will be able to judge this better as you get more experience of using the system, you may choose to allocate a greater portion of the total 90 minutes session to running the initial balance if you determine that the client is particularly imbalanced. In extreme cases it is not unheard of for the entire 90 minute session to be devoted to just the initial program, although of course this will result in no active work being done on the presenting issue. However, it does not do any harm to run the program for this long if you deem it appropriate.
The first session you have with your client will probably require a longer initial conversation so you would probably be with the client for a little while before you start running any ONE sessions. On subsequent sessions you could perform any progress chats while the initial balance is running, unless you think that chat will need to be longer than the 15 minutes.
2. The main program
The main program, such as the specific addiction being addressed, is where the core part of the work is done. In the ONE software this will automatically start as soon as the initial balance has completed. At this stage it is most ideal if the client can be persuaded to sit or lie back quietly with eyes closed, and maybe with some headphones listening to calming music.
a) The Addiction programs
There are significant energetic components present when an addiction or trauma has developed. The core aim of the addiction program is to dissolve the energetic matrices that have formed and which drive the addiction. This is a good thing but the process of dissolving these matrices can lead to the client experiencing short term phenomena such as:
Hot flashes
A strong taste of the drug in the mouth
An emotional release (crying or angry outburst for example)
Urgent need for a toilet break
All of the above, if they happen at all, tend to last for just a few minutes and have usually passed before this core program has completed.
Please note that it is not uncommon for the client to request a pause during the run. This is fine and you can pause the run at any time for up to 30 minutes, after this the program will automatically cancel and you will only be charged for the number of full or partial 5 minute blocks that have been spent.
b) The Trauma program
Whereas the physical side effects of the addiction programs tend to be short lived in a typical scenario (although each client will present their own unique complexity), the experience of dissolving trauma can last for longer. The nature of the way that the energy of the trauma is stored means that the emotional symptoms can feel a bit stronger for a few days. After a ONE session the client can feel the usual emotion of the trapped trauma plus the additional energy of the trauma that has now started de-crystallising. Once this semi-dissolved energy is actually dumped into the general human energy field then it is, to a large extent, processed and fully eliminated. Similar in some ways to an alcohol induced hangover where the unpleasant symptoms linger for a few hours the next day as the body rebalances itself. In the case of the trauma this time period is likely to be of a few days duration (if at all) but it should still clear out of the system. It is not helpful to the client to discontinue the ONE treatment. To coin a phrase “the only way out of the jungle is to keep pushing ahead”, in our case the only way to eliminate the energy of the trauma is to continue to dissolve it.
We don't seek to over-dramatise the strength of the reaction in this case. Much of the time there is no noticeable worsening, and some of the time there is an improvement after just one session. These points are just made as a matter of clarification.
We also emphasise that we do not present the ONE system as an alternative to the treatment by somebody formally trained in conventional therapy; we offer this system as an addition to the existing toolkit, so to speak.
c) The Body Wellness programs
As mentioned earlier in this description a long-term imbalance in the overall “whole” body will likely lead to physical issues manifesting overtime. For example, the emotion of anger is often found to have an impact in the area of the liver. If there are no genetic or environmental (i.e. toxin) factors present, or known medically about the client, then any underlying cause of poor liver function is often found by energetic practitioners to be due to blocked (or coagulated, or crystallised) low frequency chi energy. The ONE system seeks to specifically restore functionality to each organ or body system (e.g. respiration, as opposed to simply “lungs”) by repetition of energetic instructions that promote health and self-healing within the body. The body often doesn't know that it needs to take action to restore itself! As a light-hearted analogy, it often requires somebody else to tell us that we have a piece of spinach stuck in our teeth before we do something about it. On a more serious note modern spacecraft often employ drones to view the outside of the vehicle to look for damage, otherwise the crew would have no knowledge have any damage and would therefore fail to repair it. So the clarifying point in these analogies is that the ONE system is giving all these energetic hints to the body that a system or organ is out of balance; the consciousness of the body then pays more attention to the reported problem.
Overall observations
In all forms of energetic therapy - such as the ONE system provides - it is beneficial for the client to be hydrated as the shifts of energy are less efficient when the body is dehydrated. This is best remedied by offering the clients a glass of water before the session.
Also please note that all forms of energetic therapy can give rise to what is known as a healing crisis. This occurs when a sizable amount of blocked energy is freed up into the general energy system for elimination. If it is such a large volume that it cannot be immediately dealt with then the client will feel unwell for a while - there's that “hangover” analogy again. In this case, depending upon the nature of the previously blocked energy, this can present as a strong headache or an emotional release such as a strong episode of crying, or sometimes as diarrhoea. All of these are symptoms of an energetic purge and will only last a few hours, maybe just less than an hour. Again, staying hydrated in this case is strongly recommended as it will help flush toxins out of the system.
Finally, sometimes the client will simply fall asleep during the session. This is not a problem and will not affect the energetic work being done.
3. Final Balance program
Although the Initial Balance program has the primary job of bringing a sense of balance and alignment to the entire energy system of the client, the work done by the main program can cause some additional energetic untidiness here as a result of strong energy shifts during the dissolving of blocked energy. At this point in the 90 minute session it would not be uncommon for the client to feel a bit “spacey”, or ungrounded. The Final Balance program seeks to bring about a further harmonisation of the energy system of the client. As the practitioner you should use your own discernment if you feel that the client should have more time to rest before leaving your clinic after this last program has completed.
Top-Up Cards
Top up cards are used to continue the process for a few more days, and have been found to be very beneficial to the whole protocol.
After the first session we recommend that the practitioner allocate a top up card to the client, and to use the ONE software to schedule the card to send the main program to the card for a set period of time, probably for a couple of weeks or until the date of the next session.

The concept of the card is that it continues to emit the same program, although in this case it is at a much lower intensity as the program being delivered is not via a powered amplifier unit. Although the program in this case runs at a much lower strength it is nevertheless useful in preventing the released energy from the blockage in re-forming. Our observations in this regard were that clients who were receiving addiction programs had better results in resisting taking the targeted substance when they were keeping a top up card about their person, in contrast to those who were not issued one.
Credits and Charges
The pay-as -you-go credits system is charged at one credit for every 5 minutes of session time. The total suggested session time of 90 minutes therefore incurs an expenditure of 18 credits.
In addition to this the protocol also suggests a Top-Up card, as discussed above. This is charged at a daily rate of one credit per 24 hour period, which therefore incurs a charge of seven credits per week. If your client is receiving a weekly consultation along the guidelines discussed on this page (15 + 60 + 15 minutes) then the overall charge for that week would be 25 credits. To offset this we would suggest as a guide that you charge between £80 to £100 for a client in this scenario, although if you are a clinic with multiple staff then you will certainly be charging more than that amount due to the greater overheads.​