Many people have serious difficulty with sleeplessness - for a variety of reasons. The causes of this includes, but is certainly not limited to, trauma and addictions.
Here is a testimonial that we have just received from the One Wellness Center in Canada of a client who was happy to share her health issues, particularly in regards to long-term insomnia. Although the discussion talks about a variety of modalities that the center offers - which we encourage - the ONE System specifically includes a Sleep Support program which, as the video below illustrates, can make a big difference to this problem.
The ONE System is a practitioner device used primarily for addiction and trauma support but which also includes a list of other useful support programs. It is built on e-Lybra technology - which is itself a popular practitioner system which has been sold into 53 countries around the world.
More information about the ONE System can be found at
The One Wellness Center website is at
And, of course, here is the video testimonial:
Keywords: insomnia and sleeplessness