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Reports: Monthly Credit Usage

For ONE Finance Administrators


Added in the August 2024 build is the facility to generate a listing of all credit usage activity, both for connected sessions and for daily top-up charges. When you generate the report you can choose both or either of these criteria. The data is initially displayed on the screen but you can also save it as a PDF. You can choose the data for any historical month since the start of your subscription. 


The reports are accessed from the Administration menu down the left side of the ONE app, by clicking on the Credit Usage Report menu.


Once you have clicked this menu item you are presented with the simple form that you need to complete in order to generate your report.


NB The first time you run this you will need to press the Set Save Path link. This will open a Windows-standard Choose Folder dialog box asking you to select a location. By default it will choose the location of your Documents folder. We suggest that you use the New Folder button to make a new sub-folder called ONE Credit Usage Reports, but that advice is just to help if you are a bit unsure about how to use Windows.

However, following this advice will change this part of the form so that the new Save location is displayed. Any credit usage report that you create will be saved to this location.


When you press the Run Query button the ONE cloud server runs a data collection program to obtain all the the usage data that you have requested - whether it be for connected sessions, daily top-up usage per device, or both of these. You set these options by checking/unchecking the two option buttons above the Run Query button, as shown below in the red box above the number 1. Also note the Month / Year combination in box number 2 - this is where you will set the month that the report will be created for.


When you are ready to create your report press the Run Query button. Because the report is generated in the cloud (i.e. over the Internet) the process can take a little while to run - maybe thirty seconds or more, depending upon your geographical location and the amount of data generated during the month in question. While the report is being generated there will be a little animated icon to reassure you that something is happening:


Finally you will see data appear below the form (as shown in the image at the top of this page). Each line of the report will show you:

  • the date

  • the name of the member of staff who initiated the connection session or daily schedule

  • the name of the client to which this was targeted

  • the name of the program being run (e.g. Trauma and PTSD)

  • the duration: either a specific number of minutes, or 1 day if it is for a daily top-up schedule

  • the number of credits that were used by this event

  • the actual financial cost of this usage, in GBP


Once the data has been generated you can press the Save To PDF button so that the report is saved to disk. NB The icon to the right of the Set Save Path is a shortcut to open Windows File Explorer at the reports folder location; it is only enabled after the report has been created.


And this is what your PDF report will look like:


In this report daily top-up events are shown in dark green, while connected sessions are shown in dark red.

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