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Top-Up Devices

An extra part of the protocol

The connected sessions (i.e. with the wrist strap) are the most powerful part of the energetic process, and depending upon the severity of the condition (and the availability of both the therapist and the client), this will take place on a regular basis - maybe once or twice per week. However, addiction and mental/emotional trauma (in particular) are tenacious conditions and mostly require a concerted effort to be cleared. 


In addition to the connected session we have found through experience that an additional, ongoing exposure to a weaker delivery of the remedial program assists in clearing the condition. To this end we also advise that the client carries around a top-up device, which in it's present form is a credit-card shaped item. The device that we supply contains an RFID tag, which is something that our server can transmit to via energetic means. It will easily fit into a trouser or shirt pocket, or generic card holders are easily available from office supply stores or online.​​​


​​​With the ONE software the therapist is able to allocate a top-up device from stock to the current client, and can create a schedule so that a specific program be transmitted to the device for a set period of time (e.g. two weeks). This time period can be altered at any time as deemed appropriate. The client simply then needs to have the device about their person (in their energy field) as much as possible during that time. Although this is only available in card form at the present time the range of device types is envisaged to be larger than the current offering, for example a group of powered transmitters could be used in an agricultural setting e.g. ear tags to a group of cows.


Since the August 2024 version of the software you can allocate multiple top-up devices to the same client, or you can have a device not be allocated to any specific client but still receiving a daily schedule of a specific program.


Allocating and tracking keeping track of top-up devices


There are three places of note within the ONE app with regards to top-up devices, click on any of these links for more information:

  1. Assigning and managing devices for a specific client

  2. Observing the state of all active devices

  3. Identifying a specific device where the ownership is unknown, or allocating a program schedule to a device without a specific owner.



Explanation video: Please note that all three of the above features are demonstrated on the September 2024 video blog just here.




This concludes the seven-step training process. Further topics are available under the User Guide section of this website.


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