Trauma and PTSD
Sadly, many people and also animals have endured distressing events which have left them very traumatised. These deeply painful memories can be very damaging and difficult for the sufferer to release. Sadly, as we go through life some people suffer accidents where they can experience a lot of fear, but they also have heavy emotional experiences in their lives such as the death of a loved one, or being in a car or train accident or being trapped by fire. Others may have suffered a physical attack which completely traumatised them.
The emotion of trauma is continually felt by the sufferer
Going back briefly to the scenario of an addict we were saying that the drug imprints a compulsion into an energy matrix within the body, and that this matrix rarely disappears on its own. Trauma is a more complex issue, but some of the core concepts are actually the same. In this case – and this is the crucial concept – the high emotional charge of the originating event imprints itself into the chi, which in some ways is kind of an energetic equivalent of the flow of blood throughout the physical body. All living things have a flow of chi energy that circulates through the energetic bodies – everything is inter-connected as a whole being – which is where the term holistic comes from. This chi energy isn’t just like electricity, it is much more capable than that. It can be directed, and it can carry emotions and thought impressions. At WDS we tend to refer to it as Intelligent Energy because it can be imprinted by conscious thought. The chi flows around the body through a complex network of meridian pathways – the meridians are what are being treated when you have acupuncture therapy, which is itself a form of unblocking the chi plumbing, so to speak.
The imprinting into the chi often occurs around the energy centres that respond the strongest to the nature of the trauma. For example, an emotional shock such as the suicide of somebody close or a deep betrayal will be felt around the heart area and this will be where blockages are located, in the heart energy centre and also within the emotional body in this case. Where somebody is shouted down and humiliated for speaking their truth then the blockage will be to the throat energy centre.
A group of people who suffer greatly with ongoing trauma-induced distress are Services Personnel who have been closely involved in a major incident which resulted in violent deaths or injuries to close friends. This group of people rarely ask for help but really need it, and the ONE system trauma and PTSD program will do all it possibly can to alleviate their deep distress.
The crucial consequence of what happens here is that the trauma imprints itself onto the chi and the chi very quickly stagnates, and at this point it often just becomes an energetic sticky goo that gets stuck at this location. It is still carrying the conscious emotion of the trauma so it becomes like a beacon which is endlessly re-broadcasting this extreme emotion and all the memories that are associated with it. This energy stagnation also has the effect of blocking the smooth flow of the pure chi on this pathway, so that can be viewed as the energetic equivalent of a blood clot.
As with the drug addiction matrix, the trapped emotion will generally just continue to exist and broadcast its trauma into the sufferer, while the individual is doing their utmost not to get overwhelmed by the emotions generated. This is where the term “thousand yard stare” comes in with deeply traumatised people, they are trying at a mental level to be somewhere else so that they feel it less. Conventional psychiatry correctly tries to get the person to actually connect to the trauma, which is by now less accessible because it has kind of been “hidden” as much as possible by the sufferer. We believe that these memories are locked away, which they kind of are even though the energy of the trauma or multiple traumas are still ringing away. When a person does consciously start to connect to that energy it does indeed start to de-solidify and things can start to move, but this can be a very slow process.
So far we haven’t been able to find words in the human language to describe this energetic process any better than we are doing here. Vocabulary has not yet evolved in this area to cater for the concepts that are being described here, and unfortunately it is not possible to scientifically measure the kind of energy blockages that we am talking about. All we can do is to know that they are there and to run appropriate programs that dissolve them.
When these stuck emotions get moving again then they are still felt by the sufferer, perhaps a bit more sharply for a few hours but the ONE program is still working to dissolve this emotional payload. So a few more connected sessions in fairly short succession – maybe a week apart, or less – is necessary to continue this process of elimination.
Energetic Damage
There are still more aspects of the trauma condition that the ONE system also covers, which is where the physical trauma has been so bad that the energy bodies are themselves damaged by more than blocked stagnant chi. The classic example here is of the people who come back from war, whether World War 1 in the trenches or the more current military actions in the world where soldiers get caught by exploding bombs. This explosion can actually damage the connections between the energy bodies and can also damage to protective energy layers which are there to keep us cocooned in our personal ecosystem of appropriate energy. Without them anything can get in that wouldn’t normally trouble us, and these intruder energies can be very toxic and themselves can be the cause of severe panic attacks. It also leads to what can only be described as a sense of unreality, and that the outside world literally feels quite alien and hostile. This used to be known as Shell Shock, but now we generally use the common term PTSD, where the condition has varying degrees of severity.
In this regard the trauma program also includes instructions that will encourage the energy fields to repair themselves. This is by no means an instant process, deep trauma is the most complex of conditions that the ONE is able to provide support for and a damaged energy field takes a lot of time and effort. However, without any kind of knowledgeable help in this regard the damage can be present for many years - there is a degree of auto-healing even without external support but this kind of damage is energetic in nature and it requires an energetic form of assistance to heal.
The ONE system provides a single Trauma and PTSD program which provides a lot of support for the metaphysical aspects of the condition. This includes "complex trauma". We do not see a reason to queue up each problem in turn; the overall process of dissolving these kind of engrams does not view the stack of issues in the way that a therapist would need to. In cases of strong trauma a capable therapist should still be providing support because each person will bring their own issues up to the surface and should still be assessed using the conventional disciplines.
Side note: there is no form of energy therapy which directly heals or repairs any part of the physical body. What it does is to connect to the consciousness of the body at an energetic level and tells it to do something that the body hasn’t already figured out for itself, in this case to self-repair the current scrambled state of the energy body cohesion. This is something that we have observed in our years of working in this discipline, that the automatic processes within the body don’t often see that there is a problem and so don’t try to fix it. If the client can also provide their own focus on damage at any level of the body being repaired then this will help – a case of the Mind Over Matter philosophy. Even so this can take a while so the process isn’t as dramatically fast as the drug addiction recovery can be in many cases; in this case the energy bodies have much more healing to do and the body still takes its time to repair itself carefully.